Shakti Crystals Collective

High-Quality Crystals, Ethically & Sustainably Sourced

Ethically & Sustainably Sourced

Shakti Crystals Co. brings you top-quality crystals that are ethically and sustainably sourced from all over the globe. This means we only purchase our crystals from companies who treat their workers and the earth with love, care & respect while mining these beautiful gems. We only source from vendors who have documented ethical practices so we are sure our standards are upheld throughout the entire sourcing process. 


Crystal healing and other types of energy work are not to be considered as a substitute for traditional medical treatment. Our gemstones and crystals are empowered by the user’s own personal intentions to change or improve themselves through the power of their own thoughts.

Please keep in mind, here at Shakti Crystals, we are not doctors and cannot give out medical advice. Healing gemstones and crystals should be used as a tool with other therapies and not as a replacement for medical treatment, diagnosis, or examination. For medical advice, I highly encourage you to consult a licensed healthcare specialist.

About Us

Lisa DeCristoforo,

Owner & Operator

My introduction to crystals started back 7 years ago. It was the scariest, most traumatic time in my life. My 4 year old son, Anthony, got sick with an extremely rare complication from a virus known as AFM (Acute Flaccid Myelitis). My healthy little 4 year old, who never stepped foot in a children's hospital, was now paralyzed due to this virus that attacked his spinal cord. I was lost. I couldn't cope. I couldn't understand how this could happen. I felt robbed. I felt my son had been robbed. Robbed of his innocence, robbed of his ability to walk... robbed of so many things he now wouldn't be able to do. We were staying at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for weeks of rehabilitation. I was a distraught mess. The Choplin at the hospital would come to check on my son... and on me. He knew that my attitude was not helping my son. Focusing on everything that I had lost, or my son had lost was not going to help my son. He would come and talk to me about focusing my energy on Anthony healing. He told me that just by thinking of the moon, we are actually sending atoms to the moon! He told me to think of my son's spinal cord as being healthy and healed. He told me we have an immense power to bring into fruition that which we think about. That our thoughts turn into things... He told me about the "Law of Attraction". This is where my spiritual journey started. It's been 7 years and that one door has lead me through 100 more doors! It has led me here, to you reading this. He had told me about a book called, "The Divine Matrix" by Gregg Braden. I read it and couldn't believe that I had never known of any of this! It was not only fascinating but it was a hard pill to swallow. When you're currently living in a children's hospital with your youngest child as he is fighting so hard every day just to be able to do the simplest tasks, the last thing you want to hear is that you attracted all this. But everything happens for a reason. Now I am a true believer in that. From reading that book I then went into practicing meditation every day. Then I added Yoga. From there I found Crystals. I've since probably read 100 books on the Law of Attraction, on energy, on spirituality, Crystals and so on. It was my 'spiritual awakening'. I'm not sure what the Universe has in store for my son, but I know he will do big things. My kids are my whole world. By opening this Crystal business, it has allowed me to stay home and focus on getting my son the continued rehabilitation he needs. He is 11 now! He goes to school, and walks with a brace and crutches. I know one day he will walk without assistance. I know this, because I proclaim this! It is my mission. And energy goes where your attention flows! So thank you for being here. You being here supporting my business is so much more than a simple crystal purchase. You are giving my son the chance to walk again. For you, I am forever grateful. 


- Lisa, Tony, Giavanna, Angelina & our little miracle, Anthony. 

P.S. If you are interested in learning more about energy, Crystals, and the Law of Attraction, make sure to follow me on TikTok where you can subscribe to my Chanel. I will be hosting subscriber only TikTok Live sessions where we will dive deeper into these subjects. There will also be meditations, yoga and sneak peek Crystal lives where you get to see new inventory before anyone else! So head over to TikTok, follow and subscribe! @Shakti.Crystals


You can visit our new shop in Macungie, PA upon request. We will be open for scheduled shop visits beginning in August. Purchase now on our website or our TikTok Live Crystal Sales. 


Macungie, PA 18062

Live Crystal Sales on TikTok

Thursday 9 p.m. est.

Friday 9 p.m. est.

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